Unforgettable Lessons: A Journey through Traffic and Perspective
I have wanted to write down this incident for a long time, not wanting to forget it. However, I believe it is so unforgettable that it will remain etched in my memory even if I don’t write it.
Anyways, let me start. One day, I was traveling to my town with my guardian in our car. It was in the morning, somewhere between 8 AM and 9 AM.
we could see a lot of traffic on the main road. It was the month of June, and people on bikes and inside auto-rickshaws were sweating in the morning. Despite the challenging traffic, I could still see the hope in their eyes as they aimed to reach their destinations. Everyone was struggling to navigate through the congestion and break free from the hold of the traffic and there was a school bus beside us full of students.
After a few seconds, as soon as there was a little space, my guardian and the bus driver simultaneously moved their vehicles.
I looked around and observed everyone silently fighting to be the first to escape from this traffic jam.
But what caught my attention was the unwavering determination of the driver to outpace the traffic. Skillfully, he maneuvered the bus into another lane, creating distance between our car and his bus. Within just two minutes, he deftly alternated between left and right turns multiple times. It didn’t take long before the bus was around 600 meters ahead of our car. Despite the progress, the driver exerted maximum effort to escape the traffic as quickly as possible.
Then, suddenly I exclaimed to my guardian, “Look at this driver! He lacks patience. What if he causes an accident? He isn’t even taking care of the students on the bus. He’s in such a rush; he really shouldn’t behave like this.”
Suddenly, my guardian offered me a fresh perspective, completely changing the way I looked at things.
He said — ‘How can you say this ?”
What if he’s a highly experienced driver following the same route daily? His organization must be well aware of the heavy traffic on this road, also the driver could easily use it as an excuse to arrive late at the school. However, observe how much energy and effort he is investing in his work. He refuses to make any excuses, even when he could easily do so. Deep within his heart and mind, he is giving his absolute best to navigate through the traffic as quickly as possible and ensure the students reach school on time.
Even though he performs the same job every day, he might feel bored. However, this showcases his passion and wholehearted dedication to his work. In just those 10 minutes, I learned invaluable lessons that would have taken months to grasp otherwise. It taught me the power of changing perspectives and how they can offer lifelong insights. Simply by observing people and their actions, we can glean a wealth of knowledge. This incident truly brightened my day at that time.
PS:- I’m not saying that your work should define your entire life, but it does hold significant importance. Put your heart into whatever you do, whether it’s related to work or not. Approach everything with sincerity and strive for excellence, be it a small task or big — doesn’t matter. What truly matters is the effort and diligence you put into it!
Furthermore, there may be various interpretations of this incident, but only the driver knows the true situation. Nonetheless, I personally appreciated this perspective.
Thank you for reading this so far! I hope you found it enjoyable. If not, don’t worry. Take a break, grab a Coke, and give it another read. I’m sure you’ll find it enjoyable then.
Stay tuned for the next write-up!